Windows Heads » Tous les messages Sun, 27 Feb 2022 06:45:18 +0000 fr-FR <![CDATA[Telecharger OpenSSL pour Windows 7 Enterprise 64x]]> Tue, 02 Feb 2021 13:48:12 +0000 paul Chaque fois qu’un nouveau virus Windows fait des ravages dans le monde, les types Linux deviennent suffisants. «Cela n’arrivera jamais dans notre système d’exploitation ouvert», disent-ils. «De nombreux yeux regardent le code source.» Mais il y a aussi une vulnérabilité Heartbleed qui les maintient humbles pendant un petit moment. Quoi qu’il en soit, au moins les correctifs sont propagés plus rapidement dans le monde Linux, non?

Le virus Windows

Alors que les Linuxers sont plus saints que toi, les gens de Windows sont sur la défensive. Ils disent que le problème n’est pas avec Windows, c’est simplement que c’est la cible numéro un car c’est le système d’exploitation le plus populaire. Faux, ce serait Android depuis quelques années, ou Linux depuis toujours dans l’espace serveur. Ensuite, ils disent que l’application des correctifs et la mise à niveau de leurs systèmes échouent, car leurs utilisateurs sont tout simplement moins avertis, mais qu’un nouveau système de mise à jour résoudra le problème.

Il y a une part de vérité dans les virus et les correctifs, mais lorsque WannaCry prend le contrôle des systèmes informatiques des hôpitaux ou du réseau de surveillance des rayonnements à Tchernobyl, il est peu probable que ce soit la faute des utilisateurs naïfs stéréotypés, et tout système de patch automatique est susceptible de aide autour des marges.

Alors pourquoi WannaCry, et ses variantes, frappent-ils des machines XP non corrigées, gérées par des professionnels, partout dans le monde? Pourquoi y a-t-il encore des machines XP dans des environnements professionnels? Et qu’est-ce que tout cela a à voir avec le logiciel libre? La réponse à toutes ces questions se trouve dans la racine ancienne de tout mal, le manque d’argent. Linux est plus sûr, ironiquement, au moins en partie parce qu’il est gratuit comme dans la bière, et la mise à niveau vers une version plus récente est tout simplement moins chère.

L’heure du conte.

Je travaillais pour le gouvernement américain. Dans notre bureau, nous avons eu quelques milliers d’installations de Windows XP. Lorsque Vista est sorti, ils ont envisagé une mise à niveau, mais pour des raisons financières, ils ont dû suspendre le projet. (Ils ont esquivé cette balle.) Mais ensuite, Windows 7 et les plans de fin de vie pour XP sont arrivés. Même dans ce cas, il a fallu plusieurs années pour passer tous les tests de sécurité et de compatibilité nécessaires pour effectuer le changement. Et ce n’est que le coût de la main-d’œuvre. En plus de cela, ils ont dû payer toutes les nouvelles licences logicielles. Je suis sûr qu’ils travaillent actuellement sur la même chose avec Windows 10.

Le Bureau of Labor Statistics des États-Unis n’est pas mal financé par les normes gouvernementales, et il est certainement mieux pourvu de techniciens talentueux que de nombreuses bureaucraties. Et pourtant, la mise à niveau du système a provoqué une réelle douleur institutionnelle et a nécessité de réels efforts. Nous ne pouvons que deviner à quoi ressemble le budget du service informatique d’un hôpital rural, mais j’imagine qu’ils disposent de beaucoup moins de ressources. Pourquoi un groupe de physiciens nucléaires à Tchernobyl utilise-t-il toujours XP? Parce que c’est ce qu’ils peuvent se permettre.

La morale

Le point de cette histoire est simple. Le coût de la mise à niveau de Windows n’est pas insignifiant, et Microsoft insistera toujours pour recevoir le paiement des versions plus récentes de leurs systèmes d’exploitation – ce qui est juste, c’est ainsi qu’ils gagnent de l’argent après tout, et ils doivent payer leurs codeurs et actionnaires. Mais cela poussera certaines institutions, sans parler des utilisateurs individuels, à renoncer aux mises à niveau et à continuer à boiter avec des systèmes obsolètes ou autrement non patchables, qui seront mûrs pour le chaos. Il y aura toujours des systèmes Windows non sécurisés car vous devez payer pour la mise à niveau. Tout est une question d’argent.

Et bien que Microsoft ait finalement offert des correctifs gratuits pour XP contre WannaCry, ils auraient retardé la publication du correctif pendant quelques jours, dans le but de secouer certains de leurs anciens clients qui n’avaient pas encore mis à niveau. D’une part, vous pouvez difficilement les blâmer: ils sont actuellement bloqués par le support de logiciels vieux de 15 ans. Mais ils doivent également obliger les utilisateurs à payer pour l’assistance XP afin qu’ils soient incités à acheter la prochaine chose. Et il y a ce coin qui empêche à nouveau les mises à niveau liées à la sécurité.

Microsoft n’est pas la seule entreprise à gagner de l’argent grâce aux systèmes d’exploitation. Android est peut-être gratuit, mais comme les nouvelles versions d’Android sont souvent associées à de nouveaux téléphones, les compagnies de téléphone hésitent à abandonner la nouvelle fonctionnalité de leurs anciens appareils. Mais lorsque la chaleur est également associée à une sécurité améliorée uniquement disponible pour ceux qui possèdent de nouveaux téléphones, cela met le même type de sable dans les engrenages de mise à niveau du système d’exploitation, même si le système d’exploitation est théoriquement gratuit.

Libre comme dans la bière

J’utilise Linux depuis qu’il était installable sur des disquettes de 3,5 pouces via une connexion commutée, donc je suis probablement l’un de ces « fanatiques de Linux ». Et j’apprécie vraiment la possibilité de lire le code du noyau et d’ajouter de nouveaux pilotes si j’en ai envie, même si je ne l’ai fait qu’une fois en vingt ans. Pourtant, l’une des fonctionnalités les plus attrayantes de Linux pour moi est l’aspect «libre comme parole».

C’est cet esprit que nous retrouvons dans beaucoup d’autres sites sur la toiles qui font la promotion du logiciel libre et ouvert pour annoncer un meilleur avenir des données en ligne. Des sites qui aident à démontrer les fonctionnalités tel que le MD5 Hash donne une meilleure connaissance du travail qui peut être accompli.

Rejoignez-nous dans la discussion ci-dessous si vous voulez en savoir plus.

]]> <![CDATA[Windows Update Error 80070246 A]]> Tue, 17 Mar 2020 06:54:34 +0000 paul This error is known as Windows Update Error 80070246 A. It is mostly seen on computers that have been running for a very long time and are located in high-risk locations such as universities or hospitals. If you find this error, then it is possible that your computer has not been updated recently and that you will need to have it up to date. If you are not able to find this update in the computer’s registry, then it is recommended that you have a computer expert look at it for you.

This error occurs when the software program installs updates from the registry without your knowledge. The error is most commonly seen in the Windows Registry and Windows Update folder. If you do not know what the registry is, then you should know that it is a part of the operating system that stores all of the important settings and information for the Windows Operating System. If a program or piece of software installs an update in the wrong place, it can cause errors that appear in the Windows Update folder. To fix this error, you should look into the Windows Update folder and delete any missing updates that are not in there.

Microsoft has recently released a product called the Fix It! Microsoft Software. This is a program that will scan through your computer and remove errors from the Windows Registry. You should take advantage of this program and if you do not know how to remove errors from the registry, then you should visit our site below for more information on how to do it.

]]> <![CDATA[Webpage You Viewing Trying Close Window Do You Wantto Close Window]]> Tue, 17 Mar 2020 06:54:34 +0000 paul Although Windows support has been a critical issue for years, it is only recently that the latest version of Windows has gained the capability to close a webpage that you view while in Windows. Although newer versions of Windows have been able to control internet activities, those who have spent their time seeking out ways to exploit Windows computers have found an escape through the use of Windows exploits. Fortunately, they have come up with a powerful way to control Windows while surfing the internet: using an advanced hacking tool called « Syphon ». Although Syphon has been around for a few years now, it is only recently that it was actually used by hackers to gain access to Windows computers that have been visiting websites that rely on the Windows networking stack. Here are some of the best things you should know about Syphon.

Unlike many of the other tools available for use in hacking a computer, Syphon was designed to be as « user friendly » as possible. To achieve this, the user interface in Syphon has been designed to make the task of hacking a computer as easy as possible. This has been accomplished through the inclusion of a series of simple and intuitive icons that allow the user to access Syphon’s more advanced features. Some of the functions that are included with Syphon include « Login as user », « New Group », « Find Domain », « Send SMS to domain », « Delete Folder », « View Bookmarks », and « Open ActiveX Controls ». Even if the hacker uses one of these functions, it would not be difficult for them to pick up the basics of the system and gain access to the services that are not included in Syphon.

Another great feature of Syphon is that it allows the user to navigate through its functionality without any troubles. With the mouse and a few clicks, you can move between each part of the program that you need. For instance, you could view the « History » menu, select a « Command » function, or enter a « new » command. After you finish navigating through the menu, the user will see a dialog box at the bottom that allows them to proceed with either a « Select All »Clear History » option. As you can see, Syphon is a great tool that allows users to gain more control over Windows systems that they visit while surfing the internet.

]]> <![CDATA[Javascript Causes Ie8 Crash 2]]> Tue, 17 Mar 2020 06:54:33 +0000 paul « JavaScript Causes Ie8 Crash 2 » is one of the latest Windows Error Checks that have been released by Windows Web Hosting Support. For those who are unaware, Windows Web Hosting Support is a division of Microsoft Corporation. This division is responsible for providing a wide range of IT Support solutions for customers including; Windows Server Support, SQL Server Support, Active Directory Support, Windows Server Hosting Support, and Microsoft Exchange Hosting Support. It should be noted that Microsoft owns and supports all versions of the Windows Operating System.

To illustrate why Windows Web Hosting Support releases such products, this example should suffice. The « Internet Explorer 8 is not detected on your system » error message can pop up for various reasons. However, it is very important to be able to fix this error as soon as possible as any error or problems with Windows OS can potentially render your computer useless.

Many people that are not technically inclined will attempt to remove Internet Explorer but in many cases, it is impossible to get rid of the application entirely. This makes it necessary to use a program such as ‘RegEdit’ in order to fix the issues in Windows. For a minimum of $10, a Windows PC can be brought back to life with RegEdit, which is known as « the Registry Editor ». Many times, people will try to search for this program online. However, we recommend using « Google » instead, as it is a much easier and more effective solution.

]]> <![CDATA[Juice Won T Work Windows 7 How Do I Make Compatible]]> Tue, 17 Mar 2020 06:54:33 +0000 paul Your computer that you used for many years may be in need of some maintenance, and your Tangerine web support service can be at the top of your list. Tangerine Company: The closest thing to a high-tech, high-energy existence you will find. Tangerine has been around since 1996, and is an IT Support Company that can offer you a wide range of tools that you can use when you are running Windows Vista and Windows 7. One of the first tools they will likely provide is Vista DosBox. The DOSBox is a software that works with Windows to allow you to run any game, or simulator that will run on your PC. However, it also allows you to connect your Xbox controller to the computer as well.

WineBottler has become one of the most popular softwares of late; it has emerged as one of the best solutions for Windows users, who want to increase their computing experience. WineBottler doesn’t only have Windows users, but Mac and Linux users as well. It is not only a cheap solution to a generic computer maintenance tool; it also provides added features such as a space to use video games, music files, photos, videos, documents, spreadsheets, etc. It can also be used with a web browser, allowing you to navigate your computer and even connect to the Internet.

WinXA You might wonder why we chose to talk about WineBottler but its simple; winxauler is a program that creates a custom dashboard and makes it easy for users to have a full work experience. Its also loaded with features like save states, PC backups, a check list of running processes, task manager, task priorities, and much more. In WinAulo, you will find the WinAulo PRO version which has an outstanding sales page that will guide you through the tools, and it will also show you what should not be installed on your computer. This software is truly a life saver. You can see your friends, entertain your children, have a private party, and much more with this great product.

]]> <![CDATA[Ipp Printer Windows Cannot Connect Tothe Printer]]> Tue, 17 Mar 2020 06:54:33 +0000 paul If you own a printer then I would like to introduce you to the new Ipp Printer Windows Management Application (WP) – (Integrated Platform for Windows). This application was designed by Microsoft in collaboration with HP to support printer and servers. The tool is meant to make it easier for the users to connect to and control the HP printer server. To take full advantage of this platform, you need to use a specific version of Windows – namely, Microsoft Windows NT or Windows 2020. There are versions of Windows NT that run on both x86 and x64 architectures.

There are many different versions of printers in the market and users would want to take advantage of all these features including ink cartridges, ink jams, firmware updates, firmware backups and many more. Because of this, the latest versions of printers require Windows to access the management features and the network connection and connecting to printer server can prove to be a hassle. And that is where the Application fails to connect to the printer server. Most of the time you will notice a blue error message similar to the following:

The very reason why this error message is displayed is because the application did not find any printing related files on the host PC. So, to access the management features of printer you need to install the Wireless Print Driver on the host PC. Once the driver is installed you can then connect to the network using the Microsoft Ipp Printer Windows Management Application (WP) and start printing without the fear of the platform not connecting to the printer server.

]]> <![CDATA[How Much Space Does System Image Require]]> Tue, 17 Mar 2020 06:54:33 +0000 paul Do you know the exact amount of space that is required to run Windows Vista? One of the most common questions that people ask about this system is, « How much space does Windows Vista require? » and « Can I use my computer’s hard drive space for other programs? » The answer to both of these questions is actually: « Yes, you can use your computer’s hard drive space for other programs. » However, it is important to remember that the amount of space that Windows requires to operate depends on the type of operating system that you are using.

So, what is the type of operating system that you have in your computer? The operating system that you have determines how much space Windows will require. To answer the question, « How much space does Windows require? » it is helpful to note that there are two types of operating systems that you can use to run your computer: the traditional version of Windows and the Internet Explorer version of Windows.

If you have the traditional version of Windows then you will find that Windows will need a minimum of around 500 MB of space to operate. In fact, some models of computers that have the traditional version of Windows will only require around 200 MB of space to operate. This will depend on the software programs that you install on your computer and the programs that you install on your computer. It will also depend on the programs that you uninstall from your computer.

]]> <![CDATA[How Manually Remove Snmp Service]]> Tue, 17 Mar 2020 06:54:33 +0000 paul How Manually Remove Snmp Service is not hard if you know what you are doing. The best part is that Microsoft actually has a very good support team to help you if you have any issues with this process. After reading this article, you will learn about how to manually remove Windows Management Instrumentation Service from your PC. This is extremely important for all of you out there that use Windows and want to maintain the integrity of your machine.

Windows Management Instrumentation Service is a very good program that is built by Microsoft for all of their computers to be able to detect problems with their machines. They built this program to detect a variety of things including if there is a system crash, a power failure, a virus, or any other kind of problem that can happen on your computer. If your system detects these problems, it is going to restart your machine and show you what is going on. When you press the F8 key, it will tell you to run as administrator. You need to run this as an administrator so that the PC can run faster and smoother. This is done by adding /scomma at the end of the line to your command prompt.

The good news is that there is a Microsoft support team that can help you if you ever need help with any of these programs. They have software and tools that you can download to help you with removing them. Just visit Microsoft’s site for this program and let them know that you would like them to remove it. Many people have no idea what this program does to their machine, and Microsoft wants to fix this problem for you so that you do not have to worry about your PC running slow. Do yourself a favor and learn how to manually remove Windows Management Instrumentation Service from your PC.

]]> <![CDATA[Junk Spam Mail Appearing Quick View Unread Mail Folder]]> Tue, 17 Mar 2020 06:54:32 +0000 paul With every year that passes, the support for Windows XP gets worse. Microsoft does not seem to be willing to invest in their biggest client anymore. They are getting ready to release Vista (not the latest one). I am tired of the support for XP getting worse.

It seems that the email support that is around to help users with the problems of spam mail is very poor. If you happen to be using an email program that is really popular that can send email as often as you like then the chances are good that you may never get a reply. The reply email boxes often show up as « disconnected »unread ». Some people just do not realize the importance of email in this day and age. They only think of it as a system that gets in the way of a computer. But the truth is that email is a great way to keep in touch with friends and family and is a great way to stay in touch with business associates. Most people get a lot of the junk mail while they are reading messages on the computer, but when they open a real inbox and mail does arrive they tend to forget about it.

The support for Windows has been very poor. You have to wonder why Microsoft does not see it that way. Why do they make so many changes every year to the operating system? I guess they see a future where they are looking forward to 20 years from now and are constantly updating the technology. Well, I hope you will please consider all this and think on it.

]]> <![CDATA[How Unlock Mouse Laptop Using Win 7 Starter 32 Bit]]> Tue, 17 Mar 2020 06:54:32 +0000 paul If you are looking for a laptop that is capable of running both Windows Vista and Windows XP, then you must be wondering if there is any reliable and long lasting way to get your Windows Vista computer working in an original state, not having to pay any more money than you have to. Yes, there is such a way. In fact, if you purchase a Windows 7 Starter (which is only the Operating System), you will be able to run both Windows Vista and Windows XP simultaneously without any problems. In addition, this will also give you a complete and tested system, which is perfect for the real world.

If you compare the price of these computers, you will find that you can get yourself a system with a combination of both operating systems, which is offered at a very attractive price and this has been available for quite some time. Moreover, when you think about it, you will find that a computer with two operating systems does not have to carry the same weight. This makes sense because it means that the operating system that is chosen is not just compatible, but it is also capable of handling the workload without any troubles. A new computer would just consume more resources and a computer with two operating systems can be bought which has the same size and weight as the other computer without any problem.

If you want to do away with all the problems that cause a laptop to malfunction, then you should look for the Windows 7 Starter and you should go for it without any hesitation. By purchasing the PC and upgrading the OS, you will also be able to get yourself a PC that is compatible with the Windows Vista with less problems and this is what you should be aiming for.
