Windows Heads » Tous les messages Sun, 27 Feb 2022 06:46:39 +0000 fr-FR <![CDATA[Telecharger OpenSSL pour Windows 7 Enterprise 64x]]> Tue, 02 Feb 2021 13:48:12 +0000 paul Chaque fois qu’un nouveau virus Windows fait des ravages dans le monde, les types Linux deviennent suffisants. «Cela n’arrivera jamais dans notre système d’exploitation ouvert», disent-ils. «De nombreux yeux regardent le code source.» Mais il y a aussi une vulnérabilité Heartbleed qui les maintient humbles pendant un petit moment. Quoi qu’il en soit, au moins les correctifs sont propagés plus rapidement dans le monde Linux, non?

Le virus Windows

Alors que les Linuxers sont plus saints que toi, les gens de Windows sont sur la défensive. Ils disent que le problème n’est pas avec Windows, c’est simplement que c’est la cible numéro un car c’est le système d’exploitation le plus populaire. Faux, ce serait Android depuis quelques années, ou Linux depuis toujours dans l’espace serveur. Ensuite, ils disent que l’application des correctifs et la mise à niveau de leurs systèmes échouent, car leurs utilisateurs sont tout simplement moins avertis, mais qu’un nouveau système de mise à jour résoudra le problème.

Il y a une part de vérité dans les virus et les correctifs, mais lorsque WannaCry prend le contrôle des systèmes informatiques des hôpitaux ou du réseau de surveillance des rayonnements à Tchernobyl, il est peu probable que ce soit la faute des utilisateurs naïfs stéréotypés, et tout système de patch automatique est susceptible de aide autour des marges.

Alors pourquoi WannaCry, et ses variantes, frappent-ils des machines XP non corrigées, gérées par des professionnels, partout dans le monde? Pourquoi y a-t-il encore des machines XP dans des environnements professionnels? Et qu’est-ce que tout cela a à voir avec le logiciel libre? La réponse à toutes ces questions se trouve dans la racine ancienne de tout mal, le manque d’argent. Linux est plus sûr, ironiquement, au moins en partie parce qu’il est gratuit comme dans la bière, et la mise à niveau vers une version plus récente est tout simplement moins chère.

L’heure du conte.

Je travaillais pour le gouvernement américain. Dans notre bureau, nous avons eu quelques milliers d’installations de Windows XP. Lorsque Vista est sorti, ils ont envisagé une mise à niveau, mais pour des raisons financières, ils ont dû suspendre le projet. (Ils ont esquivé cette balle.) Mais ensuite, Windows 7 et les plans de fin de vie pour XP sont arrivés. Même dans ce cas, il a fallu plusieurs années pour passer tous les tests de sécurité et de compatibilité nécessaires pour effectuer le changement. Et ce n’est que le coût de la main-d’œuvre. En plus de cela, ils ont dû payer toutes les nouvelles licences logicielles. Je suis sûr qu’ils travaillent actuellement sur la même chose avec Windows 10.

Le Bureau of Labor Statistics des États-Unis n’est pas mal financé par les normes gouvernementales, et il est certainement mieux pourvu de techniciens talentueux que de nombreuses bureaucraties. Et pourtant, la mise à niveau du système a provoqué une réelle douleur institutionnelle et a nécessité de réels efforts. Nous ne pouvons que deviner à quoi ressemble le budget du service informatique d’un hôpital rural, mais j’imagine qu’ils disposent de beaucoup moins de ressources. Pourquoi un groupe de physiciens nucléaires à Tchernobyl utilise-t-il toujours XP? Parce que c’est ce qu’ils peuvent se permettre.

La morale

Le point de cette histoire est simple. Le coût de la mise à niveau de Windows n’est pas insignifiant, et Microsoft insistera toujours pour recevoir le paiement des versions plus récentes de leurs systèmes d’exploitation – ce qui est juste, c’est ainsi qu’ils gagnent de l’argent après tout, et ils doivent payer leurs codeurs et actionnaires. Mais cela poussera certaines institutions, sans parler des utilisateurs individuels, à renoncer aux mises à niveau et à continuer à boiter avec des systèmes obsolètes ou autrement non patchables, qui seront mûrs pour le chaos. Il y aura toujours des systèmes Windows non sécurisés car vous devez payer pour la mise à niveau. Tout est une question d’argent.

Et bien que Microsoft ait finalement offert des correctifs gratuits pour XP contre WannaCry, ils auraient retardé la publication du correctif pendant quelques jours, dans le but de secouer certains de leurs anciens clients qui n’avaient pas encore mis à niveau. D’une part, vous pouvez difficilement les blâmer: ils sont actuellement bloqués par le support de logiciels vieux de 15 ans. Mais ils doivent également obliger les utilisateurs à payer pour l’assistance XP afin qu’ils soient incités à acheter la prochaine chose. Et il y a ce coin qui empêche à nouveau les mises à niveau liées à la sécurité.

Microsoft n’est pas la seule entreprise à gagner de l’argent grâce aux systèmes d’exploitation. Android est peut-être gratuit, mais comme les nouvelles versions d’Android sont souvent associées à de nouveaux téléphones, les compagnies de téléphone hésitent à abandonner la nouvelle fonctionnalité de leurs anciens appareils. Mais lorsque la chaleur est également associée à une sécurité améliorée uniquement disponible pour ceux qui possèdent de nouveaux téléphones, cela met le même type de sable dans les engrenages de mise à niveau du système d’exploitation, même si le système d’exploitation est théoriquement gratuit.

Libre comme dans la bière

J’utilise Linux depuis qu’il était installable sur des disquettes de 3,5 pouces via une connexion commutée, donc je suis probablement l’un de ces « fanatiques de Linux ». Et j’apprécie vraiment la possibilité de lire le code du noyau et d’ajouter de nouveaux pilotes si j’en ai envie, même si je ne l’ai fait qu’une fois en vingt ans. Pourtant, l’une des fonctionnalités les plus attrayantes de Linux pour moi est l’aspect «libre comme parole».

C’est cet esprit que nous retrouvons dans beaucoup d’autres sites sur la toiles qui font la promotion du logiciel libre et ouvert pour annoncer un meilleur avenir des données en ligne. Des sites qui aident à démontrer les fonctionnalités tel que le MD5 Hash donne une meilleure connaissance du travail qui peut être accompli.

Rejoignez-nous dans la discussion ci-dessous si vous voulez en savoir plus.

]]> <![CDATA[Kb971961 Error Code 800B0100]]> Tue, 17 Mar 2020 06:54:31 +0000 paul Kb971961 is a Windows error code that is used by Windows XP users to tell them that they have a missing driver. The driver is one of the most important parts of the operating system, and if it is missing, then it can be a disaster waiting to happen. The reason why this error message is generated is because of the missing, corrupted or damaged driver being installed on your computer. The best way to deal with Kb971961 errors is to reinstall the driver that you have removed from your computer. This is called driver reinstallation, and if you are familiar with doing it on a PC, then you will know that this can take a very long time. So if you want to make sure that your PC can keep running smoothly, then you need to reinstall the drivers that are causing you problems.

Another possible cause of Kb971961 errors is due to the fact that the system is not being supported. This means that it has been over four years since the last time you upgraded to Windows Vista or Windows 7. If you cannot upgrade to Windows Vista or Windows 7, then you should get the computer repaired so that you can avoid any more Kb971961 errors. Once you have found a Windows XP error code, then you should do a little research on how to fix it. There are many programs available online that will allow you to fix your computer, allowing it to run as smooth as possible. It is always better to find a solution to a problem instead of trying to fix it yourself.

In the event that you cannot upgrade to Windows Vista or Windows 7, then you will need to find out if you have a Microsoft support contract that can help you out. The good news is that there are many companies that offer support to users of Windows systems. If you are in the market for a new computer, then you should check with Microsoft to see if there is a program that can help you out. If you are unable to find a solution to your problem, then you may be able to bring your system back up to date using a genuine Windows XP software. This is a great way to get your computer working like it did when you first bought it.

]]> <![CDATA[Kb978542]]> Tue, 17 Mar 2020 06:54:30 +0000 paul Kb978542, KB980532, KB968808 and KB968856, is a recent update to the Microsoft Security Essentials. It was developed to fix the various issues that were brought to light by the previous updates, as well as fixing a number of known security issues. It also fixes bugs and provides support for Internet Explorer. The main goal of this new update is to improve the performance of IE and enhance the security of the operating system. Microsoft states that the new Windows Defender Anti-Virus can significantly improve the security of Windows and the Microsoft Internet Information Services (WINS) Server. The removal process of this update is not that difficult, although there are some issues with IE that may require further technical support.

The first issue that needs to be resolved when the system is restored to a working state is the issue with Internet Explorer. This is due to the way the update affects the internal firewall settings. The new update forces the use of the same port numbers that Windows Defender uses when scanning for threats, which results in all warnings and alerts being displayed even though no threats have been found. With no Internet Explorer, all firewall settings are disabled, making the system susceptible to the Trojan horse spyware that comes with many of the latest downloads. The other issue that Microsoft has experienced is an issue with the installation of the IE, which requires you to follow certain steps. First, you will need to back up your system before proceeding to the installation process, followed by a registry scan. These steps will result in an error message indicating that the installation of Windows Defender Anti-Virus is not possible.

You will then be prompted to open the MSCONFIG utility, which may result in an error if it is missing. Once the utility is open, go into the Computer Configuration tab and double click the ‘Startup Programs’ option. Next, select the ‘Startup’ option and then go into the ‘Add’ menu and select the Startup item that you wish to add to the startup area. Once the process is complete, the ‘Startup’ options should be back to the ‘Startup’ tab, and Windows Defender should be ready to run. However, the speed of the Windows Defender is greatly reduced. In order to resolve these issues, it will be necessary to download the latest updates and also reinstall the product from scratch.

]]> <![CDATA[Ie8 Address Box Steals Focus Search Box]]> Tue, 17 Mar 2020 06:54:28 +0000 paul The Microsoft Search Engines has very popular in Windows products such as IE8 and Windows Search. In this article, we will discuss the effective ways of destroying or minimizing the dangers of Ie8 Address Box Spam in Search Engines. The success of a Search Engine depends mainly on the users in the end. Therefore, when you make use of it, the action of clicking on the search box or try to click on the advertisement is a vital key in Search Engine ranking. Even if you have properly entered your keywords and other basic information in the form fields, still if some spammers will try to create artificially created fake pages which will be visible to the search engine, then they will achieve their objective. So you should be careful while using this software for website.

If you want to make the search engine friendly and user friendly, then you should make sure that your site is just as useful as that of Windows Internet Explorer. For example, if you want to find a solution for your particular problems and issues, then you can easily go through the database of Windows Web Designer by going to Windows Web Designer help section. You can also modify a website theme by selecting the Ie8 Address Box Theme from Window Web Designer. But remember that even if the number of visitors will be higher because of the higher user-friendliness, your website will be punished by Search Engines. It is wise to avoid Ie8 Address Box Spam by modifying your website according to the standards set by the search engines.

Therefore, if you want to increase the user-friendliness of your website, then you should consult with the experts of the Windows Web Designer and select the best one. You can get rid of Ie8 Address Box Spam by doing the mentioned steps properly.

]]> <![CDATA[Microsoft Smart Screen False Positivies Thu Nov 4Th]]> Tue, 17 Mar 2020 06:54:27 +0000 paul Have you heard about the new type of Windows Smart Screen that Microsoft has developed? When a PC user is using a browser and gets a pop-up telling him that there is something wrong with his system, he will think that he has been infected by a virus or some malicious software. However, in actuality, this pop-up is the Windows Smart Screen False positives (WSS) that have been developed by Microsoft. The WSS is a program that shows the user a list of errors which may be present on his system. In addition to this, the WSS helps in reducing the time and energy it takes for the user to run a series of different programs and tasks that would help him to fix the problems and to remove the various files that were caused by the errors that are present.

Now, Microsoft has released a new version of the WSS called Microsoft Smart Screen False positives (MSSP). However, the MSSP works in a similar way as the previous WSS. The new version of WSS allows the user to correct all the issues and errors that he may encounter in the process of scanning his system. However, the problem lies in the fact that the Microsoft Smart Screen False Positivies function is not active while you are browsing the Internet. The MSSP acts just like the regular Windows Smart Screen which is present on the Microsoft Windows operating system. While browsing the Internet and looking for your websites, you will get this MSSP that will show you the various errors that are present on your system.

However, if you do not want to waste your time and effort in correcting these errors, you will have to delete the contents and settings that are present in the C:WindowsLogs folder. If you want to avoid wasting your time and resources, you will have to open an elevated command prompt and then use the following commands: net advfirewall firewall add rule name= « WorstPopups. » add action=block logrule= « %WINDIR%System32Winsat.exe » continue

]]> <![CDATA[Where Search Function Ie8]]> Tue, 17 Mar 2020 06:54:26 +0000 paul The situation where the search function ie8 is disabled is a big problem with the system as you might have to find a search engine to be able to search any web page. When we talk about search engine, we are talking about a server of the website that needs to be accessed by users and if this function is disabled, users will not be able to access the website. The way to solve this problem is to disable the function in the operating system which will then cause the other functions to work correctly again. The problem with the system will be corrected once the function is enabled again and users will be able to access the web pages as usual. The only difference between normal functioning and the complete functionality of the web page will be the window size and the quality of the content on it.

The support staff at Microsoft has made a mistake while trying to fix the windows operating system and they have confused the Ie8 key for the windows key which will then disable the Windows functionality which will then cause the Ie8 key to be disabled. This problem is caused due to the fact that the Ie8 key is not the same as the windows key. When the keys are switched, there will be a huge problem and the operating system will not be able to function properly and users will not be able to access the website any more. Users will find that this problem is caused due to the fact that the mechanism that should disable the search function ie8 is not working properly.

You will have to be very careful when you need to search the internet as you might get an error code or you might even get the internet connection to work through some special tool that you are using. There are different sources that give the windows operating system problems and you can get them from the internet. All you need to do is to run a search and you will get all the information that you need to fix your computer.

]]> <![CDATA[Missing Dvd Rw Drive]]> Tue, 17 Mar 2020 06:54:26 +0000 paul The latest error message that we’ve been experiencing on our Dell PowerEdge R730 server is that of a missing DVR-R, or the Missing DVD drive. I’ve tried many different error messages and fixes and I can tell you that none of them seem to work for us. This is an absolutely massive issue for us as we have been using this machine for over a year now and I don’t think that we will be able to fix this without re-installing all of our applications. It’s a disaster waiting to happen and we cannot afford to lose our entire data because of it. In the past I’ve tried all of the repair software that is available, but to no avail.

The only thing that seems to help with this problem is the DVD-R Drive Repair Utility, which is available from Dell’s official website. This program seems to be the answer to our problem and has fixed many other errors on my Dell computers, and seems to be able to fix the Missing DVD drive issue as well. I would recommend trying this program out and see if it works for you, but also read the reviews before making your decision, as this is not a popular software product, which probably contributes to its poor rating.

The main cause of this problem is that our Windows registry is corrupted quickly. This software is designed to make the system much more stable and reliable by fixing any corrupt files in the Windows registry, making it much easier to use the machine. The Missing DVD drive error has plagued this machine for months now and is a huge problem for our productivity at work. We really do need a solution and I know that this program will help us get back to work.

]]> <![CDATA[Internet Explorer Xml Xml File Association]]> Tue, 17 Mar 2020 06:54:25 +0000 paul You will find that the Windows XP support continues with Windows XP Home Edition, also known as IE Xml and IE Forms. This means that this support includes XP Home Edition’s XML support, the XML Attribute Namespaces specification, the Web Application Proxy Service (WAS) and more! XML is considered to be the most widely used markup language by the web world. This is because it is very important for e-commerce applications and it has become extremely popular for developing rich document and web application applications.

The recent application of XML has increased the popularity of the HTML standard and the development industry has embraced the usage of XML in building web sites. Microsoft is no exception to this trend and is now recognizing this fact. To build a richer web application experience, Microsoft is now integrating the use of XML technology. Microsoft has made the HTML W3C standard all the more user friendly by giving it an XML base. Also, with the integration of the Windows Error Reporting, Microsoft is now able to provide error messages that can be displayed in all versions of the Windows platform. This helps to prevent website crashes and helps in identifying errors more accurately.

The next step, which is now being taken by Microsoft with respect to the support of IE Xml is the introduction of a new application component. This application component will enable Windows XP Home Edition users to manage their Web Store applications, which includes the ability to create, download, update and delete downloaded files. In addition, this new application component also enables you to manage the support information about your downloaded files. A high priority feature that will help Windows XP Home Edition users is the possibility to mark-up security certificates and passwords on the clipboard. If you store your password in the clipboard, the Windows XP User Account Control will automatically mark it as secure. You are also able to save the user name and password when logging into the Web Store application. Using the ECPolicy.dll, a user can also generate login credentials.

]]> <![CDATA[My Computer Has Frozen Installing Updats Shut Down Screen]]> Tue, 17 Mar 2020 06:54:24 +0000 paul Updats shut down the computer, so it can’t be fixed by the user. I recently had a problem with my computer that was due to the windows update. It appeared to be working fine when I installed it and running without problems until one day it just quit. I didn’t know what it was doing to my computer until I asked my friend who uses the same computer for his games and he said that his computer has frozen up and had to be restarted.

Once I restarted my computer it appeared to be running fine again but I was having a problem with new programs running in the background which was taking up memory and slowing the computer down. The answer to this problem was to go into my computer and uninstall the programs that were causing the problem. It wasn’t until I had already started using all the memory free from the programs did my computer freeze up again. When I looked into the support section of my computer, my solution for this problem was to purchase hardware and software called registry cleaner.

After purchasing this it took about 30 minutes for the support to get back to me and tell me that I did not have to uninstall anything from my computer. They said that my computer was perfectly fine and nothing was wrong with it. I should have taken this advice at the time, because if I had waited a little longer I could have had a system crash on me and I would have lost my game progress and money. So my advice is, don’t let the new software, registry cleaner or hardware, stop you from having your games and your save when your computer freezes up.

]]> <![CDATA[Msn Sign Issue]]> Tue, 17 Mar 2020 06:54:24 +0000 paul When it comes to diagnosing and fixing problems with your computer, the most important of the tools you should use is MSN Support. MSN support is a service that was developed to assist people that need assistance with installing, configuring, and using a computer. MSN support allows users to receive troubleshooting help with a variety of problems. A computer is in constant need of help, especially when it comes to missing or corrupt files. There are a lot of errors that occur when a program does not get the information it needs and there is a problem that causes Windows to not read from a file. While there are a lot of errors that occur when it comes to software, Windows is the most used operating system that is ever created, so Windows is the most likely to cause problems.

While the ways that support is used vary by company, there are a few key things that everyone can easily understand. First, MSN support is used for diagnostic purposes. When an error occurs, MSN support can diagnose the problem and then help users with various troubleshooting steps that can help them fix the problem. Second, it can be used to help users avoid problems. With a small fee, Microsoft will provide MSN support to help users avoid any potential problems that might arise as a result of an error.

This is one of the most popular features that MSN support has. It is often used to determine if a Windows update is needed or not, which is important in keeping your PC updated and healthy. When the computer cannot read the file, a computer cannot run properly. While MSN support can help users fix various problems, there are also many programs that help users with the detection of a problem. These programs can also be used to help people find the symptoms of a particular error and to determine whether or not the error is specific to one program or to a larger part of the computer.
