I have on my PC,using Windows 7 v3.1, a C-drive of 74 GB, and in properties I am told it has 67.4 GB used, and only 7.05 free. I have quite a few photos store there in Picasa, but they total only about 9 GB.
I have a range of usual folders and files in word but no videos films etc. I am wondering how to analyse why there is such an enormous amount of material on my C Drive, when I cannot even see what it is.
One source of help said to go to « Start »> ‘Explore’, but this « Explore button does not appear at all. this would have supposedly led onto >Folders>C drive but I cannot do any of this.
I have tried « Desk clean-up », and Defrag, and moved many folders of photos onto a separate Seagate Free Agent, all to no avail.
Can anyone tell me how to see what this hidden 60 GB of ‘stored material actually is?