Cannot Open Asx Urls

About Forums Windows Update Cannot Open Asx Urls

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  • #595
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    Do you experience difficulty when trying to open ASX URLs? Do you wonder why the URLs are not opening? Do you wonder why there is a blue « closed » icon on the taskbar? Or why the Action Center has a blue icon? What do you do when the « System Tools » option is greyed out and the Task Manager has a blue background? Or how about when you click Start and the « Computer » option is grayed out?

    The reason that URLs do not open is because Microsoft, the software maker, does not support ASX URLs. So if you receive a message like this in the Task Manager: « The program or the service cannot be found », then this means that Microsoft does not support the ASX system; this is not a feature that Microsoft has included with Windows. This is because ASX systems were designed by IBM. The ASX system was designed to replace the legacy ERP system and was developed by IBM in the 1990’s. Microsoft, which is now Microsoft Corp., had not been around at that time, so there was no support for these new, « large database » type systems.

    If you want to be able to use ASX URLS, then you need to download the Windows Multimedia Component Pack, and this will enable you to open Windows MCX types of URLs. You can also download the Windows Multimedia Component Packs from the Microsoft Download Center. This will enable you to open Windows MCX type of URLs in Windows Vista.

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