Cant Find Safety Button

About Forums Windows Update Cant Find Safety Button

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  • #579
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    It seems to be a problem that more computers are now using, the ability to not only turn on the computer but also to put it into sleep mode. With Windows operating systems becoming the standard these buttons are also becoming rare. In order to use them you will need to disable the sleep mode. Most of these have buttons somewhere that enable or disable the sleep state. Some will require you to right click the screen and then click control panel to select the option that you want.

    However, the easiest and simplest way to go about finding this support button is to search for them in your software program of choice. For example, if you use Microsoft office you can find them there. Most programs will have a tab at the bottom that says Troubleshoot or Diagnostics. If you right click on that tab and select Microsoft Support then you will get a list of the different programs that are related to the support tab. The right hand side under the list is a link to the support site. Clicking on that link will take you to where you can find the button.

    To fix a system error, you will need to find and then download the latest version of the utilities that are related to the error. Some software will give you a link on their web page to download those files. The second best way is to use the Internet and look for a support site with Microsoft support. You can search through the search engines or you can subscribe to a membership site to get the most up to date information on all of the different Microsoft support programs that are available to download.

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