Internet Explorer 8 Address Bar

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    The goal of Microsoft’s new version of Internet Explorer is to attract new users while also taking out the ones that are not interested in browsing the web on their PC. This change will have a big impact on the user experience, as it will dramatically change the way they use the internet on their PCs. Microsoft is hoping to remove the annoyance of having to find a website and go through an endless scrolling in order to find a desired option. Instead, users will be able to quickly find what they are looking for with just one click on the address bar. To further improve this new feature they have included other features that will make browsing the web faster and more enjoyable.

    One of the most obvious improvements that you will notice is the improvements in support. Instead of waiting several pages to see an answer to a question, you will be able to browse faster with better response time. Another important improvement is the addition of a click and drag feature that allows the user to choose a link in one place and then drag it to another place on the screen. This feature will help reduce the amount of clicking on the address bar that users do every day.

    Another major improvement that is included in this version of Windows is the ability to search all of the folders in the computer. Users will be able to use their new button to easily find files and folders that they are looking for. Even though this is already part of the internet Explorer feature, the way it is presented in this version makes it look even better. This feature is designed to show you the results as soon as the browser starts to load. If the user opens a file that they need instantly, they will be able to browse immediately. These changes will certainly benefit your computer as you are able to get more done in less time.

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