Kb971961 is a Windows error code that is used by Windows XP users to tell them that they have a missing driver. The driver is one of the most important parts of the operating system, and if it is missing, then it can be a disaster waiting to happen. The reason why this error message is generated is because of the missing, corrupted or damaged driver being installed on your computer. The best way to deal with Kb971961 errors is to reinstall the driver that you have removed from your computer. This is called driver reinstallation, and if you are familiar with doing it on a PC, then you will know that this can take a very long time. So if you want to make sure that your PC can keep running smoothly, then you need to reinstall the drivers that are causing you problems.
Another possible cause of Kb971961 errors is due to the fact that the system is not being supported. This means that it has been over four years since the last time you upgraded to Windows Vista or Windows 7. If you cannot upgrade to Windows Vista or Windows 7, then you should get the computer repaired so that you can avoid any more Kb971961 errors. Once you have found a Windows XP error code, then you should do a little research on how to fix it. There are many programs available online that will allow you to fix your computer, allowing it to run as smooth as possible. It is always better to find a solution to a problem instead of trying to fix it yourself.
In the event that you cannot upgrade to Windows Vista or Windows 7, then you will need to find out if you have a Microsoft support contract that can help you out. The good news is that there are many companies that offer support to users of Windows systems. If you are in the market for a new computer, then you should check with Microsoft to see if there is a program that can help you out. If you are unable to find a solution to your problem, then you may be able to bring your system back up to date using a genuine Windows XP software. This is a great way to get your computer working like it did when you first bought it.