
About Forums Hardware Kb978542

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  • #901
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    As most of you know, the technical support for Windows XP is really non-existent. It’s really a pity that the people behind this product are not giving their customers the chance to get support. The software developers for Windows XP seem to be more interested in the fact that they will sell more versions of their software, even if this means that there is no genuine reason for customers to purchase one of these versions. One of the more popular products that was released for Windows XP is called Kb978542. You see, this product’s technical support doesn’t exist.

    A common question that is being asked by the general public about Microsoft products, such as Kb978542, is whether or not it is possible to get a refund for this product? The simple answer to this question is, of course, no. If you were to purchase this product and then later find out that it does not work properly or is not as good as the other Windows products out there, you will be able to get a refund. This may seem like a weird statement considering that some companies have given out refunds for products that never worked properly but not all of these companies have that policy. What happens when you get a refund for this product? Well, you will be contacted by a Microsoft support representative that will try to tell you that your decision to get the product was a mistake and that you should not have purchased it.

    The real reason why there is no technical support for this product is because it is not created by Microsoft. The product that was released to the public does not come from Microsoft. Therefore, the Microsoft support company does not even know what to do with them. In other words, they can no longer give technical support for Windows XP because the product that they released to the public does not have any reliability issues.

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