Restore Always Ask Prompt

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    Most Windows operating systems, particularly Windows XP and Vista, have a setting called « ActiveX Controls » that needs to be manually enabled. Once enabled, it automatically opens every application in Internet Explorer when you use the Windows Control Panel or Run dialog box to run the software. For instance, if you are using Microsoft Word, you should ensure that you set the ActiveX Control to be open every time you use Microsoft Word, instead of automatically opening it. Since these settings are hidden, you can only manually enable them if you know exactly what to do. A user guide for Windows XP and Vista (which is the original operating system) contains instructions on how to restore the settings and allow the applications to open at Windows start-up, without the ActiveX Controls.

    If your computer does not show any warning for a potential issue and if you still want to restore the ActiveX Controls settings, you can use a Windows hotfix, called MS13-029. This is a standard Windows hotfix and it is installed when you install Windows. After you install the hotfix, open the Start menu and navigate to All Programs -> Accessories -> System Tools -> Add/Remove Snap-Ins. There, locate the MS13-029 entry and click on it. When prompted to allow the program to install, click on Next. Finally, click on Finish to restart your computer.

    The restart will allow the Windows XP and Vista operating system to scan and repair any problems that may exist with the registry. Before restarting, you should ensure that you have the appropriate hotfix and that it is currently updated. Windows updates are not automatic, so you may have to manually update the hotfix. You can also perform the scan and repair yourself, but it will require access to the Windows registry.

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