Microsoft was the very first name of the reverse lookup directories. The Microsoft Technical Support (MSFT) is dedicated to providing customer satisfaction. To ensure that customers are provided with the most excellent customer support service, it has been necessary for MSFT to go into business for itself. It has an extensive network and multiple people who can provide customer support. The initial steps toward the success of Microsoft, was to decide that this company will be the worldwide authority in the software industry, including the Microsoft operating system. Thus, the purchase of the operating system, known as « MS-DOS » from Xerox Corporation.
On May 24, 1981, Microsoft bought a software engineering company and created MS-DOS, a highly developed version of Microsoft’s MS-DOS operating system. This MS-DOS had become the world’s most widely used operating system. To make sure that MS-DOS would be supported, MSFT created the MSFT support service. In addition, the Microsoft support website also provided other services such as the system backup facility, network management, and Windows Operating System installation. It is true that all the people in Microsoft support provided to customers with the greatest assistance, as MSFT realized that the customers are the most important part of the business.
The very first MS-DOS hardware model was manufactured by Data General, Inc. This new model was really fast and was designed by a well-known software company. This was the very first model of the MS-DOS. A few months after the system was introduced, some owners were dissatisfied with the service they had received from Microsoft. Thus, MSFT decided to change the Microsoft Technical Support. The MSFT support team in the following year changed their name to Microsoft Reverse List. This new company, which was made to reverse search the names of people and addresses in the reverse directories. After the implementation of the Reverse List, Microsoft has started its dominance on the internet.
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