Editing Spellcheck Wlm

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    My online research shows that there are many issues with the regular support feature of Microsoft Office. Spellchecking, correcting spelling, formatting and page layout is very important for all users. It takes a lot of skill to edit text and search for keywords. It can be very difficult if you’re using an MS Word 2020 product, the spellcheck option is not enabled by default. As such it is left for the user to manually go into ‘help’ and enable it.

    I have found that a large number of users have never needed the feature at all. However they still complain about a lack of usability as they will type letters and words just to ensure that it is correct. This can take several hours and it can make the job much more complicated than it has to be.

    It makes me wonder if any Microsoft employees check out the website and check if they are using it correctly. I find that the spelling check is pretty darned simple, it can be disabled by the user and it can also be turned off at any time. I also find that it’s very easy to check the spelling of the entire document. It only takes a few minutes and it saves so much time and frustration. At least we can now use the spellcheck feature of Microsoft Office.

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