Junk Spam Mail Appearing Quick View Unread Mail Folder

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    With every year that passes, the support for Windows XP gets worse. Microsoft does not seem to be willing to invest in their biggest client anymore. They are getting ready to release Vista (not the latest one). I am tired of the support for XP getting worse.

    It seems that the email support that is around to help users with the problems of spam mail is very poor. If you happen to be using an email program that is really popular that can send email as often as you like then the chances are good that you may never get a reply. The reply email boxes often show up as « disconnected »unread ». Some people just do not realize the importance of email in this day and age. They only think of it as a system that gets in the way of a computer. But the truth is that email is a great way to keep in touch with friends and family and is a great way to stay in touch with business associates. Most people get a lot of the junk mail while they are reading messages on the computer, but when they open a real inbox and mail does arrive they tend to forget about it.

    The support for Windows has been very poor. You have to wonder why Microsoft does not see it that way. Why do they make so many changes every year to the operating system? I guess they see a future where they are looking forward to 20 years from now and are constantly updating the technology. Well, I hope you will please consider all this and think on it.

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