Reduce Gadget Size

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    There are many ways that you can reduce gadget size in windows xp. The simple truth is that the amount of free space that is available to you on your computer is not enough to accommodate all of the add-ons and software that you will use. When you install new add-ons or if you want to uninstall software then this will all affect the space that is available to you. So what do you do?

    It’s always best to first check with the manufacturer to see if they have any solutions for you or if they even have any available. Microsoft have now introduced a series of files that can be used to help you get the best free gadgets available to you. These files were first discovered by one of our readers who uses his computer daily for business purposes and as such he is regularly deleting and installing add-ons. The applications that he was using were not only using up too much space but also could not run well on his system. This led him to look at ways that he could get more free space on his PC to allow him to install newer versions of these programs.

    When using Microsoft to reduce gadget size in windows XP there are several different ways that you can do it. The easiest way is to download some of their tools and applications and then install them on your computer. Most of the time they will need to be installed via the Control Panel, which is available from the start menu. These are the same places where you find the Add and Remove Programs which can be found and then easily deleted from your computer.

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