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    Microsoft often suffers from people of a negative attitude about their products and is often a company that has detractors on an internal basis. One of the most recognizable enemies of Microsoft was CEO Steve Ballmer, a man who believed Microsoft was out to get him and that he should be out. In some ways, Ballmer is probably right. It appears that Microsoft continues to put its priorities in order to benefit its shareholders over its customers of Microsoft products. The support for Windows Vista and the issues it causes should be a prime example of this, but Microsoft seems content to let them go unresolved. If you are still using Windows XP, then you should be very concerned about this issue.

    I have had several opportunities to look at independent reviews and also online forums to get the facts on the matter. While it appears that most of the consumers did not enjoy their experience with Vista, there were still a few good ones out there. Interestingly enough, I have even heard of some people who did not like the fact that Windows XP runs slower than Vista after they purchased the upgrade. This is odd because most of the time, people complain about the speed of Windows Vista. That is probably because Vista is very new and the computers that were used on the upgrade must be new as well. If Vista was an old version, then people would be complaining about the slow speed of the older versions. With all of the reasons that Vista could possibly have negative aspects, then you must be wondering why Microsoft is not backing it up.

    The Windows developers have always supported their products. This does not mean that they do not have problems. They do and they will, but they often take years to fix. While Vista does appear to be a problem that might cause some major headaches, they are not likely to be fixed by Microsoft. If there were any widespread issues, then I am sure that Microsoft would have a plan for fixing the problems. However, they are ignoring Vista and it appears that they are just sitting by and waiting for the situation to get worse before they make a move. You should be thinking about purchasing a new Windows system and should be considering buying a second hand computer, or at least an older version of Windows, until there is a real fix for the Windows Vista issue.

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